Proposal: due Wednesday, Apr 19th by 11:59 PM

Code and report: due Friday, May 5th by 11:59 PM

Presentations: Wednesday, May 10th, 3–5 PM

Your Task

You may work individually or in groups of 2 or 3.

Research a topic in parallel or distributed computing. Write a program to demonstrate the technique or algorithm you have researched. Run experiments to analyze the performance/behavior of the program. Write a report summarizing your findings. Give an oral presentation in to present your findings to the rest of the class.

You should discuss your project idea with me no later than Wednesday, April 19th.

General Topic Ideas

Some Specific Ideas

It is fine for multiple people/groups to work on the same problem.

Expectations for Report and Presentation

In your report, you should evaluate the program or algorithm you implemented. For example, compare its running time to an equivalent sequential implementation, and then determine the parallel speedup. You might also compare your implementation to a different parallel implementation, or a parallel implementation of a different algorithm solving the same problem. Provide quantitative results from your experiment(s). Use plots or charts as apporpriate. In general, your goal in presenting your evaluation is to provide a sense of what advantages your implementation has over a sequential computation, and under what circumstances it will be have an advantage over sequential computation.

Your presentation should be organized roughly as follows:

Your presentation should be no more than 8 minutes, leaving 2 minutes for Q&A. You should limit your presentation to at most 4 or 5 slides.


Upload a zip file containing your code and your report to the Marmoset server as assign05: