Getting Started

Download Extract the contents of the archive into a directory.

Using a Unix shell, use the cd command to navigate into the directory containing the extracted contents.

Using a text editor, open the file find_primes.c.

When you run the make command, the find_primes program will be compiled.

Your Task

Your task is to complete the find_primes program. It should use multiple threads to find all prime numbers in a given range of integers.

As the threads discover prime numbers, they should add them to a shared PrimeList data structure by calling the primelist_append function. You will need to add a mutex to this datatype to synchronize access to the shared fields.


Add a pthread_mutex_t field to the PrimeList struct type.

Modify primelist_append so that the PrimeList’s mutex is locked when its shared data is accessed (and unlocked before the function returns).

Create a Work data type to define the work that each worker thread will do. It should specify which numbers will be tested, and contain a pointer to the shared PrimeList data structure. Use an array of Work structures to specify the work to be done by each thread.

Create a worker function to use as the start function for the threads. This function should test a subset of the overall range of integers as specified by the Work struct passed as a parameter to the thread. Each time the worker function finds a prime, it should call primelist_append to add it to the list of discovered prime numbers.