C Review
Array / pointer duality
- name of array is equivalent to pointer to first element of that array
- pointer treated like an array whose first element is the variable the pointer points to
This is useful for splitting up problems into parts
- so each processor can work on one part of the array
A thread is like a “virtual CPU”
Multiple threads execute within the same process
- A process is an address space: in other words, a memory space
- Therefore, multiple threads can access and modify the same data
- Need to be careful!
Analogy: children playing with blocks
- Children are the threads
- Blocks are the data
- Piles/structures of blocks are data structures
- 2 or more children working on a structure at the same time: bad
- Children should wait their turn to work on a structure
Making threads wait their turn is called synchronization
Pthreads = “POSIX Threads”
A standard API for writing multithreaded programs on Unix
Also supported by Cygwin under windows.
Brief overview of API:
- pthread_create: Parent thread calls to start a new child thread.
- pthread_exit: Called by a thread when it is done.
- pthread_join: Called by a parent thread to wait for a child thread to exit.
Important data type: pthread_t
- Serves as an identifier for a thread.
- pthread_self function: returns the thread identifier of the currently-executing thread
Each child thread executes a start function. The start function is analogous to the main function in a C/C++ program (or the main method in a Java program).
[Review synopsis of each API function.]
[Write a hello world using pthreads.]
Embarrassing Parallelism
Problems that are extremely easy to solve using parallel computation are called embarrassingly parallel.
Typical structure:
- Main process divides up problem into equal sized chunks.
- Main process starts a worker process to process each chunk. The workers do not communicate with each other.
- Main process waits for workers to finish.
- Main process combines worker solutions into a single global solution.
Example application: computing the sum of an array of 16 bit integers.
Question: how would you parallelize this computation?
Example pthreads program: hello_pthread,c
Lab 6
Parallelize a sequential program to compute the sum of an array of 16 bit integer values.