Due (see your project schedule):

This is a Team assignment.

Your Task

Your task is to demonstrate a 50% working version of your system.

For a 50% working system:

The Presentation / Demonstration

Each project team should plan to present for about 45 to 60 minutes. Larger teams (with multiple sub-teams) will likely go longer than that. There will likely also be an extensive question and answer period. All presentations need to be limited to less than two hours (including the question and answer period).

You should use some presentation software such as PowerPoint or Google Slides. Your slides should contain brief bulleted points and graphics (tables, diagrams, screen captures, wire frames) that provide overall context for your bullet points. Slides should not be a “wall of text”, and please avoid reading your slides or from a prepared script.

Your presentation should include the following elements:

Plan your demonstration carefully. You need to convince us that your system is 50% complete. Make sure your demonstration convinces us!

Please do a dry run before class. Because of the limited amount of time we have in class, we can’t wait for your team to troubleshoot issues that arise during the presentation..


Your team grade will be determined as follows: