This is the assignment schedule for the Fall 2023 CS400 RevMetrix Project.

Assignment Due
[Assignment 1: Project Proposal
Assignment 1: Readiness Demo
Friday, Sept 8th by 9:00am (prior to class): Proposal Presentation and Readiness Demo during class
Assignment 2: Weekly Journal Updates
Assignment 2: Team Status Reports
Every Friday by 9:00am (prior to class): Updated on Google Drive
Fridays: Status Reports presented during class period
Assignment 3: Requirements Friday, Sept 29th by 9:00am: (prior to class): Presentation during class period
Assignment 4: Analysis and Design Friday, Oct 13th by 9:00am: (prior to class): Presentation during class period
Assignment 5: Minimal Working System Friday, Oct 27th: Milestone 1 Presentation and Demo during class period
Sunday, Oct 29th by Noon: Mid-Term Peer Evals due
Assignment 6: 50% Working System Friday, Nov 10th: Milestone 2 Presentation and Demo during class period
Assignment 7: Final System Presentation and Report
Assignment 7: Technical Report
Sunday, Dec 3rd by Noon: Draft Report due
Wednesday, Dec 6th from 8:00-10:00am (KEC 119): Final Milestone Presentation and Demo
Sunday, Dec 10th by Noon: Final Report and Final Peer Evals due