Due: Tuesday, August 29th by 11:59 PM
Learning goals
The motivation for this assignment is mainly practical: you will set up a Google Drive folder to use for the work you will do in the course, and create your journal document. It will also give you some experience using Google Drive and Google Docs if you haven’t used them before.
What to do
Step 1: Create a folder for your work
Log into MyYCP. Click on the Drive icon. It looks like this:
Click on the NEW button (on the left hand side of the page), and choose Folder.
Enter “FYS-Your full name” as the name of the folder (substituting your name as appropriate.) You should see a new folder appear.
Double-click on the folder. Towards the top of the page, you will see the name of the folder with a triangle (▼) next to it. Click on the folder name, and a menu will appear. Click on the sharing icon, which looks like this:
You should now see the Share with others dialog. In the “People” box, enter dhovemey@ycp.edu and then jbforsyth@ycp.edu, and make sure that Can edit is selected. Then click Done.
By sharing the folder with us, we will be able to see your work, and also comment on it by adding our own edits.
Step 2: Create your journal
Next, click the NEW button, and choose Google Docs. A dialog titled “Create in a shared folder?” will appear. Click OK: this will allow us to see the document and also edit it (so that we can add comments to it). You should now see a new empty document.
Click on the document title in the upper left-hand corner of the browser (it will be Untitled document initially.) Change the title to “FYS Journal-Your name”. This document will be your journal for the ongoing Journal writing assignment.
Finally, add a first journal entry. It should look something like this:
August 29, 2017: I created a shared Google Drive folder for my FYS work, and started my journal. This is going to be an awesome semester!
Please feel free to add any additional thoughts you have about the course, what you hope to accomplish this semester, being in college, etc.