FYS 100.132: Lab 9: Ngrams
Learning goals
- Learn about interfaces for analyzing and visualizing data sets
- Learn about Google’s Ngram Viewer
- Form a hypothesis about words/phrases and see if you can test it using Google’s Ngram tool
What to do
Use the Google Ngram viewer to test a hypothesis about history or culture.
Create a report in a document called NGramExperiment
in your shared Google drive folder. It should have the following information:
- Your hypothesis: a statement about history or culture that is either or true or false
- A description of your experiment: what search terms can you give to the Google NGram viewer to test your hypothesis
- Discussion of results: show the results plot produced by the NGram viewer, and discuss whether they support your hypothesis, and to what extent
- Threats to validity: can you think of any reasons why the results might not be an accurate reflection of the phenomenon you are trying to measure?