This page lists the lab activities. We will get started on these labs in class, but you will not be able to finish them in class. Unlike last year, all of the labs will be graded. You will not pass the class without completing and submitting all of them (except for Lab03-Git, which we will do in class). They provide extremely important concepts and techniques that will be essential for completing your team project. The given due dates are the enforced date, but I HIGHLY encourage you to work on the SQL-related labs (Lab04, Lab05, and Lab06) ahead of time, as they are essential for getting a good start on your persistent database design and implementation. In fact, your team will likley be using Lab06 as the basis for your team project’s database. If you ask any of the teams from last year, they will all tell you that the database portion of their project implementation was the most time-consuming and difficult of their various project’s tasks.

Due Date Lab File
Sunday, January 22 Lab 1: HTML and CSS n/a
Sunday, January 29 Lab 2: Web Applications I,
Sunday, February 12 Lab 2a: Web Applications II N/A
Wednesday, March 8 (in-class) Lab 3: Git  
Tuesday, March 14 Lab 4: SQL, Queries, Joins
Friday, March 17 Lab 5: JDBC
Friday, March 31 Lab 6: ORM